Thursday, November 13, 2008
Video Reflection: Designing Dream Machines
The marketability of the potential product was also highlighted as the driving factor behind the product.
It was interesting to see the different design techniques that the designers used for different occassions and thus that there is no real set out way to do something but its about doing the job with the best specific tool in the smartest way,
Friday, October 24, 2008
Treasuring Time: Thermochromatic Flower Pot

This flower pot was designed to treasure the coming and going of the seasons. To anyone with an interest or appreciation for plants there is a certain connection made with the earth through these cycles. This pot uses thermochromatic ink to give a fun visual cue to the temperature and therefore the seasons.
Most of the year round the stem design is only partly visible however in the hotter months the colour becomes more vibrant and the branches appear. On the hottest days of the year the blue branches will appear. As such this pot is for plants that like the heat such as sedum or sempivivum.
Ceramic pots and soil retain heat well, thus the fluctuations in heat will be smooth and therefore too the changes in the imagery.
The pot is designed to fit any small plastic pot from 15cm in diameter to 8cm in diameter. It suspends the pot 1cm in the air, allowing for a tray to be placed underneath if desired.
The design is also sustainable; the pot is stackable to make transporting efficient.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Bad Design: Korg AX-1500g

This is an effects board for guitar, you plug a guitar into the board and then the board into an amplifier. This then can apply different sound effects to the guitar.
The bad design with the board involves the pedal. Some effects can be manipulated with the pedal, a common effect is the wah wah for example which is controlled by the pedal.
Where this board falls short is that at the bottom of the pedal is a foam pad, if you apply pressure to the pedal once its in the up position, the foam will depress and a switch underneath will activate, thereby turning the pedal control on or off.
However, when manipulating the pedal the weight of your leg and or foot is easily enough to hit this switch by accident. Every time i use a pedal effect i end up turning it off y accident. The design would be improved with a heavier spring loading and thicker density foam pad so that you had to apply more pressure to the pedal to turn the effect off. For my needs, as you can change effects with other buttons i would not need to kill the pedal effects in such a way so i would have gotten rid of that switch all together.
Whilst the design seems good, the designers did not take into account the feel a person needs when playing music, that is, someone who was being careful may very well be able to activate the pedal properly but music and musicians are not supposed to be kept controlled, often the pedal will be played with feeling and thus the designer should have taken the desire of players to play expressively into account.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Postal Presents: Folding Dust Pan and Brush

This fold-up dustpan and brush set has a vast target market as budget products often do. Some likely people to buy this product include young people that have recently moved out of home, or into a new home; or anyone that would consider buying such a gift for said people (older relatives in particular). However because this would sell for less than a regular dustpan and brush it is also likely to be bought by anyone that performs the cleaning duties in their home or workplace. Ie. Independent people, therefore typically over 20)
If sent as a present there is a real sense of humor about receiving something so dry and boring; one can imagine sending this to their messy son or daughter when they have moved away from home. Also as the product comes flat it would be possible to print messages on the product to further complement the joke and give the product an endearing and personal dimension.
The Velcro tabbing is simple and effective to allow for ease of manufacture and assembly. Other stylistic elements were explored however they detracted from the functionality of the product
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Video Reflection: The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff deals with the underpinning issues with the global economy. Unfortunately there are lots of issues, social and environmental. The story of stuff is nice and succinct and really should be seen by everyone because it really sums up what’s wrong with our economy!
Personally I would like to see a return to what I perceive the values of the 1950’s were; that is that one would still appreciate nice products, but there is not hyper-consumption, people would truly appreciate well designed and produced products and pay for them what they are worth. This would be more expensive but they would be built to last, their parts would be easily replaceable and one would appreciate that product for their lifetime, even pass it on through the generations, the product might even appreciate in value too! Also I would like to see, like most people, a large move to sustainable design.
One sobering factor about human consumption that she talked about was our constantly changing values and desire to consume which not only sustain our economy but unfortunately sustain most of the design profession.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Project 1: Hand Tool Design

Ball pegs are clothes pegs that give a new aspect to this previously limited market. While its only real function is, like all clothes pegs, to fasten clothes to a clothes line; the ball peg also has physiological, aesthetic, psychological and social benefits that other clothes pegs do not. The target market are homemakers; typically women between 30-50.
Physiologically the balls are significantly heavier and sturdier than a regular peg which signals their sturdiness to the user. They are nice to touch, as the polyurethane is soft and squeezable as well as easy to grip.
Aesthetically the ball peg is much more pleasant than a standard clothes peg. Its spherical shape catches the light and the bright colours are fun and uplifting. The ball peg is symmetrical about 3 axis' horizontally, and symmetrical vertically which creates a balanced product.
Psychological benefits arise from using the product because it is easy to use and the chore of hanging the washing will seem more appealing. The aesthetic benefits of the product will also mean that the clothes line is no longer an eye sore.
The social benefits of the ball peg are that friends and family will be intruiged as to what "those balls are on your line." Thus they become a talking point. Further the intruige and playfulness of the product will involve the family in the chore of hanging out the washing. Even the kids can play with them when they're bored!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Design is in the Details: Video Reflection
The possibilities that arise from this kind of philosophy are that it opens you to simple yet highly effective design solutions. It really is a nice way to work to look at little things that you can fix with the world rather than trying to change the world on a big scale. And often it is these small changes that people appreciate.
My opinions about design have changed in that i can see how it's not always important to have the most high-tech, flashy looking and functional product; it is sometimes more important to have a product that speaks to people on a deep level; a product that understands people.
Product Sketches
Austrans - Laurie Bishop: I like the concept of this design, the video that went along with it was very interesting showing a whole new possibility for public transport in Sydney. The little carriages zipping around Sydney would be a great sight as well as a great convenience!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Objects that tell stories: Video Reflection
This talk was not as inspiring in terms of design philosophy as the last videos have been. Having said that Yves gives an interesting insight in to his products and the way in which he imbues his products with certain philosophies or ideologies. He has an ideology about products that they should be stripped back to their essential form first, and then they can be made beautiful. His XO computer is an example of his ideology in design as well as his stripping back of products to their important components.
Yves products started as both conceptually and logistically challenging and thus it is inspiring to see him bring them to success. Its influence on my growth as an industrial designer is simply a sense of inspiration. Yves has an incredible skill at taking products to the next level; he does not merely seek to make a product more functional, simpler or better looking, rather he achieves all those things. To me that is a brilliant level to aspire to.
My opinions about design have changed in that I have learnt that it is probably better to design the best product you can according to your own ideologies, and then add your aesthetic twist or your own style once you have the rest perfected.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Organic Design: Video Reflection
Ross Lovegrove has a strong passion for organic design, and though he may be somewhat stubborn in his dismissal of other influences in design, it is easy to see why he has such a passion. Firstly, organic design looks good. One can see that Lovegrove shares author Stephen Fry’s belief that nature is intrinsically beautiful. Lovegrove’s design is a kind of mimesis, which is Greek for imitation, but more specifically refers to the imitation of nature.
Organic design has its other advantages also. In a similar way to how engineers would have studied bird’s wings to find structurally efficient shapes for plane wings, Lovegrove has learnt from the aptitude of nature for his furniture or other products. This largely translates to holistic and essential pieces, where the extraneous parts have been removed and the form stripped down in its entirety. In nature this is done for many reasons, for example increase surface area or improve aerodynamics; similarly in the case of his supernatural chair he refers to the ability to breathe through the holes, the added flexure it creates and also the smaller amount of material needed. It could be said that the laws that govern nature are just as applicable to our modern era as they were millions of years ago.
I found this video incredibly influential because it is striking to see how successful this type of design is. As a philiosophy it really works, and it is clear to see that there is so much to learn from nature, and further, nature never gets it wrong! An interesting example is the comment Lovegrove makes about the form of his chair. He mentions that the form of the backrest “goes with the flow of the polymer”. Perhaps nature is really the most successful guideline to follow and by using inspiration from nature, humans will have the most success because we have evolved as part of nature, as have all the elements we utilize and interact with.
The challenge then presented to me as a designer is how to take this inspiration to the next step, as Lovegrove does. It is about using nature as an inspiration for a product or the inspiration for solving a problem and then utilizing other elements; new materials or a new way of thinking, or adapting to a particular style to make something that works, looks good and is successful.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Human Centred Design: Video Reflection
David Kelley considers design to be shifting in its focus; now designers are concerned with human centred design. He refers to the huge influence on technological advancement in the past, which correlates with the technological revolution, however he gives several examples of how consumers and therefore designers demand more user-focused products. It can be seen then that perhaps the explosion of technological advancement over the last 30 years has led to products that were not user-friendly, and rather concentrated on new technologies.
He gives examples of how designers have focused on user-interaction in the conception of their products (the Prada store), and the success that the products achieve in doing so. Designers not only ask “what do consumers want?” but go the extra step and ask “how do consumers want to interact with the product physically and emotionally and how can we make this happen?”.
It becomes evident that to be at the forefront of design then, we as designers must incorporate this emphasis into the early conception of a product: products must be geared to the user and their interaction with it. The possibilities this then presents is a resulting increase in the importance people place on products because by humanizing products we relate to them in a stronger way.
This video has changed my opinion of design in two, somewhat conflicting, ways. The main message that I get from it is that human centred design is becoming more and more significant, and this is good because products that are more personal, and easier to relate with and use are surely superior. This has then influenced me in thinking about what I should focus on as a designer.
On the other hand, and perhaps not with any direct reference to the products Kelley talks about, I find the concept of human centred design sometimes over the top. Some products that would be classed as having a focus on human centred design seem to focus on minimal human thought and input. An example is a car equipped with lane keeping technology or GPS that seem to stand for an almost de-evolution of human consciousness; submitting to the machine. Thus I think it is important, as designers, to ask ourselves what our products want to achieve and then focus on why.
Whirlpool Duet Steam Washer
Designed by: Whirlpool Corporation
Colour: The Aspen Green colour is synonymous with flora and the environment (aspen is a type of willow tree) as well as being similar to a hospital green that evokes a perception of cleanliness.
Form: The bulbous form communicates that the capacity on the inside is large and thus it looks functional. The large see through door also emphasises this.
Form: The technological elements (the buttons and switches) are small so they’re not overwhelming or off putting. Rather the bulbous form and large door counteract this by appearing inviting and emphasizing ease of use.
Line: The teardrop line of the raised area that surrounds the door is natural and evokes imagery of cleansing water.
Form: The tear drop shape and raised area surrounding the door as well as the polished, see-through window draw the eyes away from the buttons which may be seen as a turn off. Light catches the raised surface around the window while the receding surfaces on which the buttons lay therefore move to the background.
Pattern: The ripple formation on the side of the washer similarly evokes water and nature.
Line: An interesting mix of subtle organic curves and strong sleek lines; it could be likened to many modern cars in this sense.
Balance: The overall form achieves a nice symmetry and the piece is thus attractive. Clever balance is created between the handle of the detergent tray on the left and the screen on the right which are mirrored on a diagonal plane to create a striking yet balanced appearance.