This flower pot was designed to treasure the coming and going of the seasons. To anyone with an interest or appreciation for plants there is a certain connection made with the earth through these cycles. This pot uses thermochromatic ink to give a fun visual cue to the temperature and therefore the seasons.
Most of the year round the stem design is only partly visible however in the hotter months the colour becomes more vibrant and the branches appear. On the hottest days of the year the blue branches will appear. As such this pot is for plants that like the heat such as sedum or sempivivum.
Ceramic pots and soil retain heat well, thus the fluctuations in heat will be smooth and therefore too the changes in the imagery.
The pot is designed to fit any small plastic pot from 15cm in diameter to 8cm in diameter. It suspends the pot 1cm in the air, allowing for a tray to be placed underneath if desired.
The design is also sustainable; the pot is stackable to make transporting efficient.